Vision 2026

University of Saint Louis is a center of 21st century education advancing in MISSIO ET EXCELLENTIA through relevant instruction, dynamic research, responsive community engagement, global partnership, sustainable operation, and jubilating faith.


Inspired by the Wisdom of God, USL as a CICM Catholic academic community is committed to integral human formation for the building of the Church and society.

Quality Policy

Devoted to Mission. Committed to Excellence.

As we uphold the Catholic identity in faithfulness to the Gospel of Christ; As we carry on the CICM mission in the integral human formation and social transformation; and As we stand committed to continual quality improvement to provide client satisfaction.

We at the University of Saint Louis, commit to work towards providing high quality instruction, research, community engagement, and Christian Formation to produce globally competitive graduates.


The CICM Philippine Province considers the educational apostolate as one of the most effective means of evangelization. As such, it maintains the school apostolate among its priorities as a missionary institution.

Its educational policy integrates fully the vision of the Catholic Church on education as expressed in the different documents of the Second Vatican Council and of the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines.


Inspired by the historical commitment and dedication to provide a Catholic Education, the CICM Philippine Province espouses the following vision and mission for its educational institutions:

It envisions an integral human formation of the youth who will become mature Christians and active members of the Church.  This integral human formation is directed towards a Christian development of knowledge, skills and attitudes, which is geared towards service in church and society by witnessing the values of God’s kingdom.

In order to realize this vision, the schools orient and direct their programs and activities toward the promotion of human dignity and happiness, which lead to the development of the total person who is able to take up his/her responsibilities in the church and in the world.

Having a specific concept of person and the world as revealed in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition, the school promotes a special outlook of self, others, material world and God, which basically changes the goal of every human activity and distinguishes it from any other educational system.

Having been founded by the CICM Institute, every CICM educational institution lives up to its missionary identity. Each member of the school community is fully aware of his/her responsibility to reach out to the non-Christians and discover with them the impact of the Gospel on social reality, justice and solidarity.  Likewise, he/she is conscious of his/her responsibility to reach out to his separated brothers and sisters and to establish fraternal relations with them because there is only one Gospel, one Lord and one Father of all.

Inspired and compelled by the attitude of Jesus, it gives special attention to the oppressed, the disadvantaged and the handicapped.

  1. To form an educational community of administrators, faculty, students, personnel and parents who are conscious that their knowledge, skills and attitudes should be geared as a sign of the kingdom and that by this they realize their highest human dignity.
  2. To bring about a new Christian outlook on God, life, culture, world, neighbor, society and personal human dignity.
  3. To give the educational community an adequate exposure to the Catholic faith, in catechesis as well as in liturgy and practice, to enable Catholics to grow to maturity and faith, and to be inviting and open to non-Catholics and non-Christians through sound ecumenism and mutual respect.
  4. To animate the lay people in our institutions through the Church and CICM vision on education, in promoting the teaching profession, in whatever field, as a special charismatic service to God’s people.
  5. To reflect continually, in the light of the Catholic faith, on the growing treasure of human knowledge and to transmit it through teaching, research and various services to our communities.
  6. To be committed to the service of the people of God and human society in general: to study contemporary problems such as the dignity of human life, promotion of justice and peace, and a just sharing in the world’s resources.
  7. To look for ways and means to give the same chances to the children of as many disadvantaged families as possible.
  8. To serve as a dynamic base for the CICM Institute by which it creates awareness for the missionary task of the universal church and engages in vocation animation.
  9. To cooperate with the local church by striving for a common vision while respecting the authority of the local church and the CICM orientation.
  10. To integrate and promote the life-giving aspect of the cultural and moral values of the people; and,
  11. To maintain an academic standard which allows the faculty and students to work on a level needed for their professional competency.
  1. Concern for the poor and handicapped
    The school is aware of the many factors under the present conditions, which tend to keep the disadvantaged outside the school community; positive steps are taken to counteract these obstacles. This concern is expressed by such means as:

    • scholarship programs for the poor
    • involvement in non-formal education
    • service programs
    • support for efforts to uplift the disadvantaged in society
    • simplicity of life-style in the schools
  2. Concern for the non-Christians and non-Catholics
    The presence of the non-Christians in the educational community is brought to the attention of all, so that non-Christians feel accepted and welcomed.  The Christian community spirit and interpersonal relationships experienced by non-Christians are strong incentives to become committed members of the Christian community and to share the Christian vision of education among the non-Christians. Our Christian ecclesial community is an “open” community:  open for what happens in the world, open for those who belong to other races or Christian religions.  The ecumenical spirit should bring about universal brotherly love.
  3. Service to the local church in a subordinate role
    The school works in union with the local church, striving for a common vision. It respects the authority of the local church and the missionary orientation of CICM. This serving role means taking initiatives and leadership where needed, opening and using channels of communications, which will make for better consultation, cooperation, mutual understanding and effective evaluation of CICM work and presence. The school actively promotes priestly and religious vocations, especially for the diocesan clergy. Because of its specific importance among the academic disciplines and the service to be rendered to the local church, every CICM institution of higher learning has a faculty or Department of Theology.
  4. Integration
    It refers to both the integration of the local church and the integration of any life-giving aspect of cultural and moral values.  The school develops integration through the presence of members of the local church in its Board of Trustees and of the Corporation and by the involvement of all sectors of the educational community in the activities and progress of the local church.
  5. Dynamic Base
    As a missionary congregation, CICM is helping build the local church, while at the same time establishing a dynamic base for the congregation so as to create awareness for the missionary task of the universal church and to work for vocations. Our educational institutions train apostolic-minded lay people imbued with the CICM missionary spirit, who will assist in implementing the school’s mission and objectives. Our institutions are also based to organize missionary vocation animation in their region.
    USL is a global learning community recognized for science and technology across all disciplines, strong research, and responsive community engagement grounded on the CICM mission and identity for a distinctive student experience.
    USL sustains a Catholic academic community that nurtures persons for community, church and society anchored on CICM’s Missio et Excellentia.
    The University of Saint Louis upholds the philosophy that education is for building of self and persons for the Church and the Society. Wisdom builds. To these ends, the following are University of Saint Louis’s core values integral in the formation of every member of the Louisian community.

    1. Christian Living. We are witnesses to the Gospel values as taught and lived by Christ thus making God’s love known and experienced by all.
    2. Excellence. We seek and maintain uncompromising standard of quality in teaching, learning, service, and stewardship of school resources.
    3. Professional Responsibility. We are committed to efficiently and responsibly apply the learned principles, values and skills in the chosen field of discipline, taking initiative and command responsibility in one’s professional advancement.
    4. Social Awareness and Involvement. We engage ourselves with society by listening to the prevailing issues and concerns in the society, thereby initiating and participating in constructive and relevant social activities for the promotion of justice, peace and integrity of creation and for people’s wellness and development consistent with the CICM charism.
    5. Innovation, Creativity and Agility. We keep ourselves relevant and responsive to the changing needs of our stakeholders by being flexible, solution oriented, and having cutting-edge decisions and practices.