To inform them of the essential things they need to know and do for this academic year, college departmental and organizational officers attended the Organizational Assembly last Sept.1, 2018 at the Bulwagang Teodulfo Domingo.
Mr. Herbert Corpuz, Dean of Student Affairs, talked about the Student Affairs Office’s vision, mission and objectives with emphasis on LIFE which stands for Learning, Integrity, Formation, and Engagement.
Mr. Corpuz elaborated on the general objectives saying that Learning includes fostering a nurturing environment and honing talents and skills. Integrity focuses on evaluation and facilitation of student activities and students’ recognition in sports, leadership and skills.
Formation seeks to integrate the Louisian discipline framework and support co- and extra-curricular activities; and Engagement aims to promote active participation in community and advocacy programs and involve Louisians to become dynamic leaders and missioners.
The Prefect of Women, Mrs. Ma. Leonora Cagurangan, discussed the roles of student leaders as exemplars of discipline.
Mr. Corpuz thereon informed the officers regarding the annual evaluation of student organizations and their action planning (with key strategic areas or KSAs). He also discussed about the SAO organizational chart and the official emblem of Louisian student leaders.
The University President, Rev. Fr. Renillo Sta. Ana, CICM, was also present during the assembly and gave a short inspirational talk telling the student leaders about responsible use of technology in relation to their service as missionaries.
The Prefect of Men, Mr. Cirilo Parallag, Jr., ended the sessions as he talked about the do’s and don’ts and the aspects of program proposal making.
Meanwhile, the organizations which stood out during the Organizational Fair (http://oldwebsite.usl.edu.ph/2018-organizational-fair-opens-for-k12-pioneers/) and the trailer and poster contests for the Mass Induction (http://oldwebsite.usl.edu.ph/new-set-of-college-officers-takes-oath/) were also recognized during the assembly.
The Louisian Institute of Future Educators (LIFE) was hailed Best Booth and also won the awards for Most Attractive Booth and Most Informative Booth.
The Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines (IECEP-USL) bagged first runner-up; the United Cordillera Student Cultural Organization (UCSCO) got second runner-up and also won the award for Kaibigan ng Kalikasan Program (KKP) Booth; the United Architects of the Philippines Student Auxiliary (UAPSA) and the Philippine Institute of Interior Designers Student Auxiliary Body (PIID-SAB) tied at third runner-up; and the Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers-Council of Student Chapters (IIEE-CSC) placed fourth runner-up.
For the trailer and poster competitions participated by the departmental councils, the School of Accountancy, Business and Hospitality (SABH) won Best in Cinematography; the School of Engineering, Architecture, Interior Design, and Information Technology Education (SEAIDITE) got Best in Concept and Best Trailer; and the School of Education, Arts, Sciences, and Health (SEASH) took Best Poster.