The Office of the Vice President for Mission and Identity (VPMI), together with the Campus Ministry (CM) Office, spearheaded various Masses, rosary rallies and other relevant activities in adherence to the celebration of the Vocation Month and Mission Year in the University of Saint Louis (USL).
As a jumpstart for the month-long celebration, the Senior High School (SHS) had their Holy Spirit Mass last Sept. 3-6, 2018 for different groups.
The Grades 7 and 9 students had their Vocation Mass on Sept. 10, 2018; the Grades 8 and 10 on Sept. 11.
Meanwhile, the Grades 11 and 12 students convened in the University Chapel for their Vocation Mass on Sept. 12 and 20, 2018, respectively.
On September 21, the elementary pupils had their Vocation Mass as well as induction of officers. A catechetical session was likewise conducted to the Grade 5 pupils on the same day.
The college departments also sponsored Vocation Month Masses on separate dates: School of Education, Arts, Sciences, and Health (SEASH) on Sept. 2; School of Accountancy, Business and Hospitality (SABH) on Sept. 9; and School of Engineering, Architecture, Interior Design, and Information Technology Education (SEAIDITE) on Sept. 16.
The USL administrators, middle level managers, and the Supreme Student Council officers had their Mass sponsorship last Sept. 23, 2018.
The different academic departments of both basic and higher education showed their participation in the mission fund drive for the Mission Year 2018-2019 which banners the theme “CICM Louisian Missionaries: Reaching out with Joy.”
There were different modes of collection like “daily sacrifice,” mission envelopes, solicitation letter, and mission flags.
At the end of the Mission Fund Drive campaign will be the announcement of students and classes that have garnered the highest collection as way of recognizing their generosity.
The winners will be announced on Feb. 20, 2019 in the Eucharistic Celebration at the opening of the USL Foundation Days.
Last year’s mission fund drive collection was ₱ 2.1 million. The accumulated amount was distributed to identified beneficiaries and mission stations.
Published earlier in the second semester issue of the USL Newsletter for school 2017-2018 was the list of recipients.