The School of Education, Arts and Sciences (SEAS), through the Social Sciences Department which is headed by Mrs. Ma. Haydee C. Guillermo, and in partnership with the following organizations: Junior Association of Psychology Students (JAPS), Political Science Society (PSS), SALAKOT, and Sociedad de Lex Manus (SLM), conducted the Social Sciences Summit 2017 last March 3-4, University of Saint Louis.
During the first day of the summit, parallel sessions on various topics were held: Anti-Illegal Drug Campaign, Philippine Development Plan 2017, Human Rights Advocacy Campaign, Mental Health First Aid, and Positive Education. Speakers were Mrs. Louella Tomas of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), Mrs. Salvacion Baggay of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Mrs. Lourdes Lopez of the Commission on Human Rights (CHR), Mrs. Evangeline Fajardo of the Cagayan Valley Medical Center (CVMC), and Mrs. Heidi Abadu of H&A Consultancy, respectively.
On the second day, Social Sciences students converged for the general session at which Atty. Marjorie Martin Chan, Tuguegaro City Councilor, talked about Citizen Civic Engagement and Mr. Herbert Corpuz, USL Dean of Student Affairs and SEAS instructor, tackled about Integrating Local Knowledge in Teaching and Learning.
Bannering the theme: “Re-awakening Filipino Consciousness: A Call to Modern Society,” the summit was held to persuade students to utilize their potentials in becoming aware of the current state of affairs and to contribute to nation building.