Dr. Eladio Martin S. Gumabay, USL University Research Center (URC) Assistant Director, and Mr. Darin Jan C. Tindowen, College faculty member, had their research papers published in refereed journals.
Dr. Gumabay’s paper, Ethico-Spiritual Caring in Nursing: A Metasynthesis, was printed in the Philippine Journal of Nursing Education, Volume 25, No. 1, October 2015 Issue.
According to Dr. Gumabay, ethico-spiritual caring has not gained specific attention in nursing. Thus, his study aimed to synthesize qualitative literature, explicating the direct connectedness between ethical care and spiritual care.
Dr. Gumabay used Polit and Beck’s (2013) framework of metasynthesis and Noblit and Hare’s method of qualitative data analysis.
The metasynthesis of six eligible qualitative research studies that Dr. Gumabay used reflect the three key themes of ethico-spiritual concerns, which are: interpersonal expressions, professional vocation and transcendental connection.
In Dr. Gumabay’s paper, it is recommended that student-nurses and professional nurses constantly render full and observable commitment in the ethico-spiritual dimension of care.
On the other hand, Mr. Tindowen’s paper, The Catholicity of the University of Saint Louis, was published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Volume 3, No. 5, December 2015 Issue.
Mr. Tindowen’s study aimed to assess the level of Catholicity of USL along with the five key area standards: communicated vision and mission, religious curriculum, prayer and liturgy integration, service and social justice, and ecumenical initiatives.
Using descriptive survey and focus group discussion, the study involved a total of 2,620 respondents composed of students, alumni, administrators, teaching staff, and non-teaching staff of the University.
Results show that USL manifests a very high level of Catholicity along the five key area standards.
Moreover, results of the independent sample T-test and Analysis of Variance test reveal that gender, religious affiliations, and student’s educational level affect the level of Catholicity of USL.
As a result of the study, a three-year sustainability program for the Catholicity of the University has been developed.