Recently, the University of Saint Louis, in collaboration with BCJA Training and Consultancy, successfully trained 50 Louisian employees on QMS 105 Comprehensive Internal Quality Audit Training with Mock Audit.
The three-day training, held on March 9, 10, and 13, 2023, at the Bulwagang Teodulfo Domingo (New EMC), sought to produce competent and well-trained auditors who are capable of conducting internal quality audits.
USL’s Quality Management Representative and the Deputy QMR for Internal Quality Audit carefully selected each trainee who underwent the extensive training. They got hands-on experience with the mock audit at the Asset Management Office, Junior High School, Human Resource Management and Development Office, School of Education, Arts, and Sciences, and the Physical Plant Management and Development Office.
Ms. Lovely Joy O. Ruiz from the Senior High School shared her learning insights on the importance of quality management. “It provided me with an opportunity to develop my capabilities in terms of quality management. As an academic leader, we must adhere to the procedures and guidelines designed to ensure quality and effective processes in achieving the long term goals of the institution. I realized the importance of being a keen observer of matters that concern the different processes within a certain unit.”
“I was also challenged to accept both positive and negative feedback if my area is being audited. Lastly, learning the Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle allowed me to think critically to achieve quality management,” she added.
Organized by the Institutional Development and Quality Assurance Office, the audit training was facilitated by Mr. Ronald Rey A. Matias and Dr. Benito C. Castillo Jr. of BCJA, which is a training and consultancy firm that provides a wide variety of services, including in-house ISO 9001 training, consulting and assessment, public training, and other specialized services.
This audit training was administered as part of the continuous quality improvement schemes of the University’s Quality Management System. The University of Saint Louis has passed the International Organization for Standardization audit and acquired its ISO 9001-2015 Certification on September 8, 2022.