Twenty-five (25) Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) scholars successfully graduated from the agency’s Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) for Food and Beverage Services (FBS), Feb. 10, 2018 at the University of Saint Louis (USL).

The scholars, who were composed of Hospitality and Tourism students, Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) practice teachers and industry workers, were assessed “Competent” in competencies during their three-day national competency assessment on Feb. 11-13, 2018 at the Cagayan Proficiency Training Center, Tuguegarao City, an accredited assessment center in FBS NCII in the Cagayan Valley Region.
Project leaders of the program in USL are: Ms. Ma. Sherelyn S. Tama, Assessment Center Focal Person; Ms. Reina D. Tulauan, Assessment Center Liaison Officer; and Ms. Rizza D. Velasco, FBS Trainer.
Furthermore, USL partook in the first National TVET Enrollment Day and Jobs Bridging on Feb. 27, 2018 at the University of Cagayan Valley to have the 50 FBS slots for USL filled. Said activity, which also aimed to offer jobs to TVET program graduates, was a collaboration project of the TESDA, Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), and Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) here in Cagayan province.