The University of Saint Louis (USL), through its research centers, held the annual Research and Innovation in Scientific Endeavors (RISE) 2018: Undergraduate Research Forum with the theme: “Sustaining the Flame of Scholarly Works” on May 23 at the James Ter Meer Gymnasium.
This one-day forum, which was attended by the University’s undergraduate college students, showcased relevant research results through oral presentations and exhibits.
The event also highlighted the launching of research papers published in Thomson-ISI and Scopus-indexed journals for the school year 2017-2018 through a ribbon-cutting ceremony. There are seven faculty and student researches published in said kind of journals for the school year.
Dr. Emmanuel James P. Pattaguan, USL Vice President for Academics, graced the forum by reiterating the significance of relevant researches within and outside the realm of higher education institutions (HEIs) such as USL.
He further shared that the activity helps college students become more motivated and capacitated to complete more researches not just because they are academic requirements but are means of advancing knowledge on and skills in a chosen field of specialization.
Eleven (11) researches were presented respectively by their representatives: 3 on Engineering Research and Technology Innovation (ERTI) by Jannick Noah P. Fronda, Vanessa Mae R. Layugan, and Clyde Maverick A. Malamug; 2 on Health Research and Development (HRD) by Joyce Anne F. Caraboc and Zhairhen Nicole Peralta; 3 on Business Research and Development (BRD) by Maria Cristeta A. Chubong, Marryjoy M. Mintac, and Zyline A. Urbina; and 3 on Social Innovation, Local Knowledge and Educational Research (SILKER) by Jessa Lou D. De Leon, Jennielyne T. Guitering, and Izza Roselle G. Sibal.
The Best Oral Presenter award for each category went to: Fronda (“Artificial Seawater Solution Mixer for Larval Rearing of Freshwater Prawn”); Caraboc (“Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Medicinal Leech (Hirudo Medicinalis, Hirudinidae) Saliva Extract on Carrageenan-Induced Edema in Wistar Rats (Rattus Norvegicus): Pre-Formulation of Medicinal Gel”); Urbina (“Secondhand RTW Buying Behavior of Consumers”); and Guitering (“Life in Prison: Exploring Issues and Challenges during Imprisonment”).

Mr. Abana with Fronda (right) and his co-researcher for the project:
Artificial Seawater Solution Mixer for Larval Rearing of Freshwater Prawn
Other orally-presented researches presented were: 1) “Land Suitability Analysis on the Potential of Solar Energy Farms in the Province of Cagayan”; 2) “The Potential of Philippine Agricultural Waste as Microwave Absorber for Anechoic Chamber”; 3) “The Application of Nursing Leadership on Patient Safety Culture in a Tertiary Hospital in Tuguegarao City”; 4) “Retrospective Analysis of Living On and Off Campus to Student’s Performance”; 5) “Service Failure among Specific Food Industries”; 6) “Politics and Government in the Lens of Women Leaders”; and 7) “Religion and Politics: Students’ Views on Proposed Legislations.”
The research projects of the School of Engineering, Architecture, Interior Design, and Information Technology Education (SEAIDITE) were showcased at the exhibit. The projects include innovative machines, devices, systems, and architectural designs.
The panel of evaluators of the researches and the best presenter award was composed of: Dr. Pattaguan; Dr. Marie Jean Mendezabal, USL Director for Institutional Research and Publications Office (IRPO); respective academic and associate deans; and, Mrs. Jennifer C. Bangi, USL Research Associate.
RISE is held yearly and is designed to gather undergraduate students of the University to share the results of their researches and studies.