The University has set out its new vision with its strategic plan for 2017-2020.
“USL is a global learning community recognized for science and technology across all disciplines, strong research, and responsive community engagement grounded on the CICM mission and identity for a distinctive student experience,” so reads the new vision of the University.
The new vision statement was crafted in July during the formulation of the new USL strategic plan, dubbed as USL 2020.
The strategic planning started with a multi-stakeholder consultation workshop on July 1 at the University. It was attended by University employees and student, parent and alumni representatives.
The consultation elicited the stakeholders’ aspirations for USL after three years’ time and the strategies to achieve such. It was followed with strategic planning workshops on July 2-3 at Sta. Ana, Cagayan by the members of USL administration and heads of offices with Dr. Noel C. Racho of Miriam College as facilitator.
Meanwhile, a restatement of the mission statement of the University was done which now reads as follows: “USL sustains a Catholic academic community that nurtures persons for community, church and society anchored on CICM’s Missio et Excellentia.”
The University core values of (1) Christian living, (2) excellence, (3) professional responsibility, (4) social awareness and involvement, and (5) innovation, creativity and agility are in place.
Based on the core values and onUSLgraduate attributes, the University, though its key administrators, has also come up with its institutional outcomes.
USL 2020 has three key strategy areas: demonstrated mission and identity; distinctive excellence in science and technology and in flagship programs; and dynamic operational management systems.
“It is with great pride that I enjoin the Louisian community to support this strategic plan through the various strategies and programs that have been formulated towards the attainment of USL 2020 and ultimately, the vision, mission, core values, and institutional outcomes of our beloved University. We implore the continuous guidance and blessing of our God Almighty,” said University President Delailah B. Valencia in her message in the published new strategic plan.